Wednesday, July 30, 2008

So, I thought I'd put up a blog

and everybody and theirbrother would be commenting back to me. I know, and if you know me, that I'm impatient by nature. Today I think I'll write about what I would have done with my life if I hadn't done what I am doing. Whew, what a sentence! So here would be the top five other things I would have done with my life if I hadn't become a college professor:
1) lawyer -- cool clothes, hang out with criminals, and other criminals who call themselves lawyers.
2) restaurant owner -- long hours, personal satisfaction of seeing people enjoy the food I've prepared.
3) ad agency owner -- use my overactive imagination, maybe sing jingles, take advantage of my knowledge of rhetoric and use it for evil.
4) bookstore owner -- nice one, not like the nasty guy in Provincetown I just encountered, more a Will Peterson type (for those of you in Pocatello), get to hook up people with books and make fun of people's poor book choices.
5) pastry chef -- work for a nice restaurant owned by somebody else. Get to delight in other people's delights and get fat as hell.
So, how about you? What would you do if you weren't doing what you're doing?


Nick Gasparovich said...

I would be correcting your usage of the word "there" (I believe you meant "their"). Jessica told me to dock you 3 points because there were three different options to choose from.

And thanks for the missing me :-) Let us know when you'll be in the sorta-area and we'll go out to eat!

Nick Gasparovich said...

Touché in correcting the spelling quickly... however you're now missing a space :-P

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Get a life!

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

I know I can't believe I did that! So what would your five jobs be, you two?

Nick Gasparovich said...

1) Construction worker... there's something simple and relaxing about not having to think too deeply about what you're doing.

b) (If I were single) A pool boy, I hear it's a good way to pick up chicks and lonely wives, lol

iii) A person who gets paid to walk around a place of business (a university for instance) and socialize with the employees who should be working.

4) An assassin, I'm not sure I have the precision necessary, but at least I know nobody would screw around with me.

*) An owner of businesses... like an investor... I could find good people to run businesses that would fall under my parent organization. The businesses wouldn't be limited to just one industry, I'd diversify and have everything from mechanics to restaurants.

Jessica said...

let's see... since I am doing nothing right now I have tons of options:

#1 Chef: I can cook, and I cook well. I think people enjoy my cooking, but mostly that is because they're (correct use of the word thanks) famished.

#2 Librarian: I would like to be my mother, she knows all of the best books and gets to tell people to shut their (correct use again) mouths.

#3 Food Critic For New Restaurants: Just because I can eat the food at a new restaurant and tell people that they should or should not eat there (correct again darn me!).

I think anything where I can be sarcastic and have fun would be good, as it is now I am set up for a job where I make fun of people, which is only as fun as the problems they have. Oh well, I will settle for being a house-wife!