Friday, August 1, 2008

Peacin' Out Again

Yesterday we (the Mohawk Valley Peace Coalition) set up our Food For Thought table at the Clinton Farmers' Market. We didn't have much luck, but a few really nice people stopped by, and I finally put up a "thought" on our bulletin board. We have cut out paper in the shapes of fruits and veggies and we ask people to write down something they think we all should be thinking about. We tell them it doesn't have to be something about peace, and people have written about happiness and other related issues. Here's what I wrote:
It's the things we carry with us, and the people who help us carry them, that make our lives worth living.

My daughter Alicia asked what I meant by "things" and I told her, you know our burdens and joys and all that stuff. I left it vague on purpose -- reader interpretation and all that.
So dear readers, whoever you are (yes, Nick and Jess I expect a post) what would you write on our bulletin board if you could be here in Clinton, NY, and there was something you wanted us all to think about?

I'll add this final thought: wherever you are, whoever you are, you've got a really important job coming up in November, so rest up, get ready, practice your button pushing or ballot writing, or poll booth arm pulling. We've got a new president to elect and a war to stop.

Peace Out Everybody, and if you're good I promise my next post won't be political. Hell, maybe I'll put in a new poem if I get it done. I know, big deal -- something to look forward to.


Jessica said...

So lets see, something to think about?

The things that I think about most are the things that I don't have with me all the time, so:

Don't forget the things you cannot see, Sometime they will be the most important things in your life. Don't take for granted the things you always see, because some day they may be the things you want to see the most.

Nick Gasparovich said...

The best I can come up with for now is:

"You can pick your friends. You can pick your nose. However, you can't pick your friend's nose."

I'll try harder to come up with something more insightful...