Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dirty Little Secrets

Mikey says my blog is getting boring; Lu says I need to be more hard-hitting. Last night, the idea of posting dirty little secrets came up. Wow, what a great idea for my tenure year! Thanks Lu. Also, thanks for the critique guys because for the first time in a long time I have writers block, and I can't thing of a thing to post that could be interesting. Sure I had some good ones: for example, "Oooh, How Do You Like Your Eggs?". Now that idea seems kinda lame.

Maybe I should make up something. I could use this blog to reveal the truth that Alicia and Catherine have different fathers (ala Graham Swift's last novel, Tomorrow, which sucked) and see how long it takes them to read their own mother's blog. Don't tell, okay?

Think about it; they don't look alike at all, do they? I mean besides the fact that they both have mustaches.

So, I'm adrift with nothing much to say unless I get started on the whole Michelle Obama needs to leave me along thing. I could put something threatening in this post and see how long it takes for the Secret Service to show up outside my door.

There it is, my post! I'd like to hear from you about how many emails you're getting from candidates. I'm hearing from Barack, Michelle, Joe, Dennis, and some guy named Jon I've never heard of. Not just once, mind you. I'm hearing from Michelle (I call her Shel) all the time now, and Barack just sent me a video clip. I hope it's the Real Burnouts.

You hearing from anybody? Left or right, I don't care, let me know. What's the most ridiculous one you've gotten so far? Mine is still "Did you see Michelle on TV?" from Barack. Is this an American Idol campaign? I wanna get an email from his campaign that spells his name wrong. Whatchu got?


c said...

I had to tell Obama a couple of times to stop emailing me. I got on the list when I sent a mad email telling him he stunk after the FISA vote, and got a reply that said "Thanks for your interest in the Obama campaign! Please give us money!"

I hear from Hillary a lot, and a few times from Bill. The funniest one I got was from Bill, promoting a convention giveaway, that started off in bold print "No convention is quite like your first." Ooo, sell it to me, Bill. You can send me all the email you want. John Edwards stopped sending me email awhile ago.

Jessica said...

I avoid politics like the plague... however I am still going to vote in November in my first election (thanks to the State of NY messing up my absentee in 2004 I wasn't able to vote in my first legal election)

I find myself lucky sometimes that I can listen to the bull, but not deal with the spam. I mean listening to it is okay by me because I have learned to tune out what I don't like, but filling my inbox has always ground my gears!

Mike Zombek said...

I need to clear up a misunderstanding I was quoted out of context and I don't even think the word boring was even used. Who knows I was a little tipsy. Although I think a few cheesecake photos would certainly help but the zing back in your blog or at least mine.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Mikey, you want pictures of cheesecake? If I put up pics of my new haircut, you're gonna have a thing or two to say I bet.

Mike Zombek said...

Don't be coy Pat, Tits and Ass or at least tights and ascots either way get visual.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Mikey, you've been drinking, haven't you? Or did Adrienne actually send this?

Mike Zombek said...

I would just as soon not let Adrienne know what I do on the internet. Trust me it's for the best.