Monday, August 11, 2008

Still waiting

for guest blogger Alicia Billman to step up to the plate. Yeah, I'm back online, but from the coffee shop not from home. I know that it's not my modem at least. This whole not being online thing has revealed to me what an internet slut I am. I checked my work email last, btw.

So today it's raining in central New York, after a night of nasty thunder and lightning. Missy (the dog) is still alive but shaken, after a night of trying to get under the bed, in the bathtub, in the kitchen cupboard, etc. Today's post is dedicated to Missy, my faithful companion of 8+ years. Five things I love about Missy are:
1) She is cute, in an aging diva hound dog sort of way
2) She is sweet, in an over needy, high strung sort of way (no, that doesn't mean she's just like me)
3) She is pretty well behaved (unless you count food obsession as a behavior problem)
Okay, so there are only three things I love about Missy. What about you? Gotta pet that you love/don't love, tolerate? Lemme know. Step up to the plate and post, why don'tcha? This means you, Mikey.



lena said...

i love my cats. i hate my cats. i hate them more since having willow, because they do things like intentionally wake her up while she's napping. other things i love and hate about them:

gardener moon is my sweetheart snuggler, but he is (unforgivably) a chipmunk killer.

haku is affectionate and vocal. his problem is that he is harassingly affectionate and vocal.

tolstoi is 20 years old. she is beautiful, loving, and healthy, but when will she DIE already?

i'm mean.

Murphy's Freshman Composition Blog said...

Not mean. Just realistic. We love them but sometimes pets are just a big pain in the butt. Since Missy has HUGE freakouts over lightning ang thunder, you can guess what summer's been like at my house.

Jessica said...

I Love Nicky's aunt's cat Sweetie (Beetlejuice is her real name) She likes to snuggle me when Nick and the rest of the family leave for the day. It's like our little secret.

I don't like Nick's aunt's cat Kramer. He pushes Sweetie out of the way when they eat, so she is emaciated, and he vomits in the babies' room after gorging.

I love animals overall, I like them best when I can babysit them and not keep them.

Mike Zombek said...

Well better late than never.

I have to say, I take having pets for granted having grown up on a farm. At one point we had almost thirty barn cats roaming the grounds, themselves only the tip of the iceberg.

My childhood pets included rabbits, goats, horses, frogs, turtles, chickens, geese,(the meanest of the barnyard animals) ducks, and, turkeys- not to mention the hundred or so cows that were wandering around.

To say I loved them all or that they loved me would be impossible. I think too often people force human emotions on animals. I think the pure beauty of animals is the lack of pretense. Sometimes a nuzzle is just a nuzzle. To infer some sort of mystical force behind the actions of animals is unfair to animals and mystical forces.

I love Figaro (our ridiculously affectionate and big push-over cat) because he's a cat. I love dogs because they're dogs. When I meet a pet I don't like, it's generally because something has happened to make it stop being what it is.