Friday, August 15, 2008

for my friend T

My friend T pointed out that I have not written one thing directly about her on my blog. She has been great about commenting and says she reads my blog faithfully. So here, dear friends, is a list of why Miss T is a fine friend:
1) she is smart but not all puffed up about being smart
2) she is always the optimist, so much so that ya gotta wonder sometimes (he he)
3) she is fun and funny, but not in a who-can-turn-the-world-on-with-her-smile sort of way
4) she manages to have three children and still be a person (looks good, doesn't have mysterious child-related stains on her clothes)
5) she manages to be a person and still be a mother (her children can pick her out of a crowd, or lineup, if necessary)
6) she is a great teacher and always thinks about her teaching
7) she is tall (this one may not mean much to you, T, but it's always good for short people like me to have tall friends)
8) she believes in our school and makes us look good whenever she represents us
9) she cries when she reads what she's written about her children
10) she admires me

So that's it, Miss T. Moopy's next on the friends tribute, but I gotta warn you, that is gonna be one hell of a long, weird list.

Let's hear about your friends. What do they do that deems them worthy of your friendship? Nick, where the heck are you? Lost on the Garden State Parkway? You and Jess are gonna write about each other, I know. Bring it on. Whatchu got?


Anonymous said...

My friends love me--just the way I am. They do not judge me, but they know my weaknesses and work around them.

Friends don't get any better than that!

Teresa said...

I can't leave a decent comment when I'm all choked up.

Thanks for the obligatory post! (though I can tell it came from the heart!)


Warm fuzzies are SO kick-ass!

Nick Gasparovich said...

First, I want to say that I hope I'm third on the list of special interest pieces you write.

Second, I will explain (at least partially) what one would have to be like to attempt to gain my friendship.

1) Have a good sense of humor, but not always be funny. Nobody likes a clown, but everyone appreciates well placed, tactful jokes, especially when they're not expected.

2) They should be mildly unpredictable

3) They should be zany in some sort of way

4) They should be able to quickly pick up on, and enjoy, the overall groups critique on outsiders.

5) They should be able to hold their own in an argument. Nothing bugs me more than somebody who backs down from what they believe just to make me happy... Ok, I lied, nothing bugs me more than someone who starts an argument but refuses to defend it

6) They should enjoy science fiction in some fashion, or at least attempt to appease me by pretending

7) They should never comment on my music selection while driving. That right is reserved for people who have earned it.

8) They should be prepared to be picked on... a lot... by the entire group... until either:
A) someone new joins the group
B) You're able to generate good comebacks that prove your worthiness

9) They need to be able to laugh about themselves

10) They can't be too politically correct. This pertains to #9. Ethnicities and religions are all fair game to pick on... they should be able to laugh about those jokes, because I'm able to laugh about Italian/Catholic jokes.

11) They should know tact. Making said jokes in the wrong audience is cause for immediate expulsion from the group. (The only thing that can save them is the quality of said joke and how they handled the, sure to be, bad repercussions.)

That is all for now... I'm sure I'll come up with some more later.

Jessica said...

Lets see, I really want to write about my best friend/cousin Mel, and you want me to write about Nick... sadly I have to go with my gut here and write about Mel cause I think you would enjoy her.

1) Mel is a dare-devil. She is not afraid to speak her mind, even if she looks ridiculous doing it.
2) She is flexible. Not only in friendship, but for real, she was a gymnast, and still does some cool stuff.
3) She enjoys laughing at herself. More than you could possibly know. She does so many stupid "dumb-blond" type things and I love to laugh with her about her.
4) She listens. You don't find that anymore with many people.
5) She always asks when she needs help and is willing to help me without me asking. (It's like she has ESP or something!)
6) She is 100% honest with me about everything. Sometimes to the point where she doesn't know when to stop being honest, and we get to laugh about it later.
7) She loves Nick. Not as much as I do, but from day -1 she has told me that she wanted me to marry him. I mean for real, she was there since before I started dating him and egged me on the entire time.
8) She's one of those zany and crazy people who is willing to do anything, even without the aid of social lubricant.
9) She's family oriented and when I get distant she makes sure that I get back in the family game.
10) She would go to the end of the world to please me, and always tells me that I am her role model.

These and many other reasons are why she has been chosen to suffer the role of my maid-of-honor.