Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What a bummer, dude!

Those of you who know me may remember my back injury almost two years ago. I had a ruptured disc that was hugely painful and spent months using a traction device to try to avoid back surgery. I did get through it without surgery and restored my back almost to its former glory. I've very active (which is good because I eat a lot) and I try to stretch as often as I remember. But, alas, (redundant that, but I wanted to use alas) I've had a relapse. Now, while oldest daughter Alicia (aka Bighead) is here, I'm doing traction, sitting with a heating pad, and thinking about calling the chiropractor. Too bad Pinhead isn't here to give me a massage.

So the topic of my blog today is vulnerability. I'm a pretty fearless sort, and I don't let much stop me, but back pain is more than pain. It makes me feel vulnerable, prone to further injury, off kilter, not at one with the universe. Okay, I added that one-with-the-universe-stuff just to end the line. I don't even know what that means. All I know is I don't feel like SuperPat today, and I'd sure like a little sympathy.

So I guess I should ask for advice. What do you do when you're out of sorts, injured, or ill? Should I go for it? Maybe go for a jog like some doctors tell their back injury patients to do? Should I be looking for muscle relaxers? Check myself into a spa? Heating pad or ice? So many options. Anybody wanna entertain my 27 year old kid for the day?

Step up and at least send me some sympathy, even you anonymous.


Teresa said...

Oh no! That's awful. I'm sorry you've had a relapse. =(

It's a temporary setback, I'm sure.

Have the coffee house deliver some gourmet joe and have Alicia make you some sourdough toast.

You're in fantastic shape, so I'm sure you will recover very quickly.

Hang in there! (sorry, bad back traction joke...)

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Hang in there -- that one never gets old. Thanks for the good cheer, T. See ya tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Suck it up Murphy! We've got to get your score up on the clean jerk!

lena said...

i think i jinxed you the other day when you told me about your back. sorry. i hope you're better soon, and if you need a coffee delivery on thursday morning, please let me know.

anonymous: i like your style.