Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Am I the Only One . . .

who puts on music and jumps around the house to it? I'd call it dancing (it used to be, I swear) but I think maybe one of my legs is now shorter than the other. Maybe it's pirate dancing. Well, if you're not dancing around the house you're missing out. Here are some suggestions in case you wanna try it:

Stars "Take Me to the Riot"
Belle and Sebastian "Dirty Dream Number Two"
Of Montreal "Suffer for Fashion"
The Dears "Lost in the Plot" (a little cool down there)
Of Montreal "Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse" (we're taking it back up again)
The Talking Heads "Psycho Killer"
Matthew Sweet "Sick of Myself"
The Candyskins "Feed It"
Guided By Voices "Twilight Campfighter"
Creeper Lagoon "Sunfair"
Frank Black "Downtown Train"
Ballboy "I Hate Scotland"
Damien Jurado "Ohio" (cool down for reals)

Anybody wanna out dork me?


Mike Zombek said...

Pat. I can out dork you in my sleep.

Archie Bell & The Drells: Tighten Up

The Seeds: Pushin' Too Hard

Screaming Jay Hawkins: I Put a Spell on You(I would call this less of a freak out dance and more kind of slinking around the room)

Count Five: Psychotic Reaction(Now this is the freak out underpants dance song of choice)

Any live Otis Redding recordings the man was a God.

Jessica said...

I love to dance with the kiddies, and they seem to like it too. They are very particular about the kind of dancing though. It has to involved me spinning them around, or they want no part in it. They also have this thing called a "boogie button" I suggest you get one for your impulses in the office.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Boogie button -- I want one. Wait, I got one!

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Elliott Smith was a god, one whom you refuse to recognize.

anthony said...

I stand around and drum on my thighs... which I will call dancing if you force me.

There's this live recording of Elliot Smith that I just love... look for it on where a lot of live music finds a home.

Mike Zombek said...

Sorry Pat, no sad boys, not now, not ever.

Teresa said...

Is it sad that the only artist I knew from your list was The Talking Heads??