Monday, December 22, 2008


Jess is right. Let's have something upbeat for the holidays. I'm past my "the killer is in the house" moment from last night, and it's time to jump right into holiday mode. Jess wants a favorite holiday memory, so here goes.

Father Christmas Come To Bergenfield, or Why is This Kid Such a Pain in the Arse?

'Twas the night before Christmas and that ten year old kid
with the glasses and runny nose
Had heard from some others at school that day
That there was no Santa Claus

She camped out by the tree, refusing to budge
"We'll see if this Santa dude comes"
The adults all were waiting -- their intentions were good --
To ferry the presents and start the fun

But the kid wouldn't give, and the hour grew late
Then later, then later and later
So a ruse was concocted; the presents were moved
To upstairs, and the brother enlisted

He hung out the window and shouted with glee
"I see him! I see him! It's Santa!"
Threw his voice: "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night"
And Christmas was saved in New Jersey

It wouldn't have worked with just any kid
But this one was gullible by nature.
What a family, you say?
What a pain in the butt that kid must have been --
a real winner.

But the family was kind, bottom line, always kind.
And the kid was just odd and tenacious
So Christmas won out; after all, family's family
Did I mention I was really thirteen?

So that's my Christmas story. Can you imagine what those relatives really wanted to do with me? Fate or karma got its revenge though. Pinhead was, as a kid, as big a pain in the butt as I was. What goes around . . .

What's your favorite Christmas memory?


Jessica said...

We have a similar story to yours actually. My brother a few years back would not go to sleep regardless of how much we tried to convince him that Santa would not come if he was awake, he refused to go to sleep. I think the worst part about it was that while we were at a Christmas party at our neighbors house, he nabbed a couple mugs of coffee and was all hyped up from them.

We finally got him to calm down and go to bed, but not before we struggled to tire him out. I think that was the latest Christmas we were ever into bed (1am), and the longest we were able to sleep (9am) in a long time, except that past few years when he decided that Santa didn't really exist and that he could wait to open gifts.

Unknown said...

What a great story. Family is great!

Sadly, our seven-year-old (7!) is going around telling all his friends that there is no Santa. We're not very popular in the neighborhood right now.