Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh Blog Divine!

I've been ignoring my blog, and I feel so ashamed. After all, Murphy's New York a go go got me through the hard times of being housebound thanks to L5 at S1 and L4 and all that stuff. But now that the back attack is under control, I've been a poor blogger. Well, yeah I've busy catching up on all the stuff that went by the wayside, and I've been busy enjoying the return to mobility. In fact, it's sunny right now and I'm going to walk the dog. Speaking of, Missy says hi and wants you all to know she's recovering pretty well from the third of a loaf of pannetone she pulled off the counter and ate the other day.

Now that life is back to life, if any of you are still out there checking in, and you want to come to/be part of a solstice reading on the 21st, let me know. I love the idea of getting out of the house on the shortest day of the year to spend time with other vitamin D deprived people.

So here's a totally lame limerick about life and blogs. I hope you'll read it and contribute one back at me about your life:

There once was a girl from New Jersey
Who couldn't have been much more crazy
She jumped up and down
And tried never to frown
She was, oddly, hyper and lazy

Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

lena said...

there once was a girl from the 'cuse
who put off writing with every excuse
instead she cooked and she cleaned
(not really, but you know what i mean)
and in her head, the stories ran loose