Monday, December 15, 2008

Some of you will be shocked

because I seem, let's see is it too feminist (no, that's not it), too cool (well, that's certainly not it, too busy (maybe), too tired from all that insomnia (btw, I can sorta see bags under my eyes from the corners of my eyes right now -- disturbing), maybe too impatient, but I actually baked something successfully. I modified the following biscotti recipe a little, using 1/2 C dark brown sugar and 1/2 C white sugar. I, like the recipe's author, think 1 1/2 C is too much. I also did replace 1/2 C of flour with whole wheat. Here's the link:

I should mention that I've tried biscotti before and they have always been a horrible failure, tough and hard as a rock. So, today's get-your-imagination-going-blog-entry is: can you name an alternate use for bad biscotti? I know, this seems like my lamest post yet, but think about it, what would you do with a failed but still edible food item. Doesn't have to be biscotti, btw. . . c'mon peeps, let's entertain each other on this rainy day.

Speaking of my peeps, and entertaining they are, here are some pics of my beloved (no, I'm not ashamed of how over the top that sounds; it's true) family taken at my sister's house in Congers. If you ask me, they're adorable!


lena said...

my mom would make us "zuppetta" (which means little soup) as an alternative to cereal in the morning: italian bread, too hard to eat otherwise, was cut into bits, put into a cereal bowl, and then covered with hot milk flavored with a little cocoa or coffee. surprisingly delicious and comforting. dare to try a hard biscotti version? and did you know (excuse me if this is obnoxiously obvious) that "biscotti" means twice cooked?

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

I did not know. How cool!

Anthony said...

I would keep the failed biscotti in my breast pocket. People would ask me "what's that buldge in your coat?" or "what's that strange smell?"

Then one day, after winning fair and square at cards by playing the two-of-spades up my sleeve, and irate gambler would draw his gun. And shoot. Point blank.

"Good aim." I will say. "That would have gone straight through my heart..."

It would be then I would reach into my breast pocket to find the biscotti, cradling a bullet, saving my life.

Jessica said...

Hmm failed but still edible food?

Personally I, being such a cultured chef and all, have never had a food catastrophe that has failed me, however I have encountered such foods.

Someone I know once made cinnamon bread (however they neglected to let it rise which lead to unleavened raisin bread basically)

So in order to salvage the rather tough mess of bread, I was recruited. I actually made it into baked french toast. I took the bread (2 solid loaves) and chopped it into 1 inch cubes, added about 6 eggs, and 4tsp of vanilla, mixed it up till everything was coated, and then poured it into a 8x11 baking dish, and sprinkled the top with brown sugar till it was completely coated. It was actually pretty good, but it tastes better if the bread is made properly.