Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Things I'd like to know

from people who have posted to my blog:

Jess, have you learned to drive yet?
Nick, how's the job(s) (depending on the Nick) going and how come you hardly ever post?
Clark, how many plagiarists and/or F's did you give this semester? This one is designed to cheer me up, I admit, unless the answer is 0.
Lena, what's your all time number one am besten (sorry, don't know any Italiano) Italian food that only Italian families really know about?
Carlie, is pink still your favorite color? No, kidding, bad joke. What is the number one hot topic in your field right now? Should be interesting for the rest of us to know what's hot in the field of long-dead stuff.
Anonymous who posted that stanza for the haiku, who the hell are you? That was good stuff.

As for me, I got nothin' today, unless you count my most recent moral dilemma. Since I switched bedrooms to be in the quiet bedroom that's off the street, I've been woken up by the skittering of little scamperfussen, as small animals cross my house (sometimes many and sometimes many times), which they can access via my quaint and adorable (oh, how I wish it wasn't there these days!) side porch. For some reason, with winter's arrival there's more traffic up there. I could put a trap on top of the porch. It'd be easy enough to plant it on the porch roof with a broomstick. Live trap? Maybe. Death trap? Well, let's just say I'm getting a little tired of all this scampering.

Happy Tuesday


Jessica said...

I like to think that I have learned to drive. I am still scared as hell to do it, and it has been really rainy and I hate rainy driving weather. I take my driver's test finally on February 20th which coincidentally is my parent's anniversary. Nick says that if I pass I can drive all the way to NY after the test. If that happens we will be calling you up and meeting you for coffee, or mimosas... something celebratory.

Since we are on the topic of getting to know things about each other, how is Missy? What do you think she will tear apart on Christmas? What will be served for dinner that she might possibly want to snack on while people aren't watching?

lena said...

arancini. it's a saucy rice ball, filled with mozzarella and meat or whatever else you might like, breaded and deep-fried. nothing compares. NOTHING. it's one of those things that is so time-intensive and tedious to make that my mom and my aunts only make it once a year, if we're lucky. i actually made them once and wowed my friends, even though they weren't nearly as good as my mom's.

Unknown said...

Hey. I've been grading, etc. so I didn't see your note until today. More when I get to the office.

Unknown said...

Hmmm. Somehow I never got back to this on the day I promised to. Sorry.

The good news is that grading is ALL done now and I'm officially on break. (contented sigh).

The answer to your question, alas, is not zero. Two plagiarists and twelve (12!) failing grades. Three of those "F"s are for folks who simply failed to drop the class after they stopped attending (a simple bit of paperwork) or, in one case, who never showed his/her face at all. Three or four were for folks who made it all the way to the end of the term, but failed to turn in the last paper. Sometimes I wonder what they are thinking, but then I remember what kind of flaky student I was as an undergrad.

Happy, serene holidays to you and yours!