Monday, December 1, 2008

It's a bird! It's a plane! Well, I don't know what it is . . .

but I'm gonna find out. Whatever it is that woke me up at 4:00 this morning trying to get in my bedroom window, that is. As soon as it's light, I'm going to do the forensics. I was, frankly, a little too nervous to try to whip open the curtains and do a gotcha when it was so dark out. I think it's a bird, maybe trying to nest in the windowsill because I left the storm window open. It could be a squirrel, or, heaven forbid, a bat, but the rooting sound indicates otherwise. Whatever it is, there I was at 4:30 banging on the wall with a rolled up poster to get it to go away, to no avail. Then I tried yelling, but that only scared Missy because she thought I was mad at her. Finally, after coaxing Missy back in to the bedroom, I tried the old "get it Missy, get it!" also to no avail. It's gone now, but the sun's about to come up and I'm about to bravely and with great fortitude go see what kind of evidence I can find. Yes, folks, I'm going to look for scat, guano, feathers, whatever I can find. I am brave beyond belief! Either that, or I watched too much CSI when Pinhead lived with me. I'm trying to make it into an adventure: wish me luck!

One thing I do know. If it's burglar, and s/he's on a ladder trying to pry his/her way into my house, I don't think I have to worry too much. S/he's probably really small and dumb. Okay, here I go . . .

but before I do, I'd like to add a little incentive to get the haiku from last post finished. Here it is: C'mon people, let's get this haiku finished! Jeez, it's Monday. You're back from wherever; let's go! And you though I was gonna offer cash and prizes . . .

1 comment:

Nick Gorczynski said...

At one point I would have a cardinal slam into my window every morning at 6am. He would see his reflection in the window - fly to it because he thought it was another bird and inevitably knock itself out and fall to the ground.