Friday, September 19, 2008

Bummer dude!

As this week ends, I have to say it hasn't been a great one. I had to cancel a trip to NYC to see my family and some goods friends coming from Portland. It makes me pretty sad. My back is under code red "back attack," and I'll just say it hurts a lot. So, as I often do, and because I'm a pathetically eternal optimist, I'm going to focus on some good things that happened this week. Hopefully it'll cheer me up.
1) My classes went very well. Students spoke very intelligently about the essays I assigned. Hooray!
2) Because of my back and immobility, I don't have to feel guilty because I'm not spending enough time with the stupid dog. Ha! Now I can focus on feeling guilty because I can't walk the dog, and she's turning into a little porker.
3) As my doctor said, I can devote the next six weeks "upper body strengthening". That translates to crunches and repetitions (many) with small weights. Maybe I won't have string bean arms when this is done.
4) I can focus even more (and this might not really be a good thing) on my next scholarly project.
5) I'll have more time to worry about tenure. Oops, how did that get in there?
6) I have more time to remind myself that, basically, I'm an optimist. And I'd better get to it.
7) My new posture, crooked and hunched over, might be considered quite sexy in some cultures.
8) The wonder drug my doctor gave me to reduce pain and inflammation should start working soon.
9) I have great linens, so that makes being bedridden a lot nicer.
10) Since I can't walk for exercise, I won't have to replace my shoes so soon.
Gee, I feel better already. Well, not really but I will. I hope that as your week draws to a close, you have some weekend fun to look forward to. Pity party, here I come!


Unknown said...

It's been a tough week all around. Don't even look in the direction of Wall Street if you don't want to get a little sick to your stomach.

Glad to hear you're mentally
"dealing with it." You're an inspiration.

lena said...

i'm writing to you from my pit of despair, which is filled with papers to mark up, emails to respond to, and loads and loads of laundry. just wanted to say that i'm so sorry about your back. i hope those painkillers kicked in.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Yes, number 11, I don't have any papers to grade!

Mike Zombek said...

I always thought hunchbacks were sexy .