Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Right Man for the Job

He's soooooooooooooooooooo dreamy! Sleek and efficient, and he knows exactly what to do to make a girl happy. Yes, I'm talking about the Breadman. Last night we made up, when at 10:00 he finished baking a perfect loaf of whole wheat bread. It's light and crusty and oh so delicious. I couldn't be happier. We're truly reunited and it feels so good. Breadman, we're on again.

Tonight is our reading at the Tramontane Cafe in Utica at 7:30. I have six new poems, some of which sound a little hysterical to me. I guess that's what tenure year does to one.

Yesterday my friend Lu gave me a haircut at his antique shop. It's a great haircut (a little short on top), but it's what he did after the haircut that's pretty funny. First he tried to blow dry my hair with a "blowdryer" from the 1950's that weighed about seven pounds. That didn't work so he used a very large shop vac to finish my hair. Switched the hose so that it blew air and went to town. Like I said, the haircut's great, but my left ear feels funny from having so much air blown into it. Imagine a bald, fat guy using a shop vac on a small white woman. Now that's kinky Mikey.

Better than the time I went to the beauty school in Pocatello, Idaho, where the hairdresser in training said "I've always wanted to do a haircut like this. Do you remember Farrah Fawcett? Well, I did, and while I did have that feather-banged look in the 1970's, having it in 1999 was a little awkward. That's probably why I started wearing a bob. How about you? Do you have any funny haircut stories? Any haircut disasters (great band name, huh?)?


Nick Gasparovich said...

I seem to remember something about someone's bangs not being cut by a hair salon in Utica... I just can't remember if that was me or you ;-)

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was both of us.

Nick Gasparovich said...

Pretty sure it was just you... I got a free haircut out of it though :-) (Just mentioned how he didn't cut my teacher's hair right)

c said...

In college, the last perm of my life. It was during the summer, thank god. I was desperate and wasn't going home so I could see my normal hairdresser for a month, so I went to one in ye olde college town. I asked for a wave, just to get some body and a little bounce. An hour later, after she was done, she turned me around, I looked in the mirror, and... mall hair. 4 years out of date, curly, frizzy, sprayed out a foot to either side of my head. I was so appalled I could barely speak. I jogged all the way home, hoping that anyone who saw me would think it was just the wind blowing my hair out strangely behind me, and then proceeded to wash it over, and over, and over, hoping to get the chemicals out before they were really set. Of course, a friend of mine decided to stop by right then, so he was greeted at the door by a wild-eyed, wet-stupid-haired person in the midst of a breakdown. He laughed.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

You got a mafia haircut that time. I think of you when I go to the Greek restaurant across the street from that place. It was on the same street as the Acrop, yes? Wasn't one of them a Lu, too?

Unknown said...

Send me that whole wheat recipe, will ya?

I've got a mean white bread recipe (when I use the expensive yeast, anyway).

9/16 C lukewarm water
9/16 C milk
1 egg
2 T butter (softened is better)
3 C bread flour
1 t salt
3 T sugar
1 1/2 t yeast

Makes "cracking toast."

(Bonus points if you know the toast reference.)

Jessica said...

My only bad haircut stories revolve around my mother cutting my hair. I think she honestly thought that she could do anything, but one thing she could not do was hair. I asked her to cut my hair once because it was bothering me, and she just kept cutting it shorter and shorter... Eventually she stopped at what looked kind of like a mushroom cut. I was humiliated for months, and only let my dad cut it after that. His way of cutting was my slapping a ruler on our back and cutting the hair straight across.

I can say though that I have had nightmares after cutting other people's hair though. This week I cut Nick's cousin's hair about an inch off the back, and cut her bangs a little shorter.
I also cut the back of Nick's hair when it got too long about a month ago. gotta say people trust me way too much... I totally could have "slipped" and needed to cut it completely off.

Nick Gasparovich said...

Which I would've been fine with because I know she'd me more upset than me in the long run... not because I'd seek vengeance, but because she says she likes my hair