Friday, September 12, 2008

It's going to be an exciting 7 and 1/2 weeks

That's what I heard when I turned on NPR tody. I don't know who the interviewee was, but I know that he's insane. The next weeks until the election are, in my opinion, going to be anything but exciting. They'll be full of dems and republicans making fools of themselves and treating us like we're the morons some polls seem to reveal we actually are.

I guess I should have said right at the start of this post that I'm in a pretty crappy mood. Yesterday as I was driving the little blue boy down the Arterial on the way to work, a truck passed me and cut in fast and when it did a chunk of twisted metal flew off and wedged itself under Blue (yes, I name and personify appliances and vehicles). The noise was horrible and actually terrifying. I was able to pull over to an exit ramp, where I (in a skirt and knee socks, mind you; I was on my way to work) pulled the metal out from under the car. Something, perhaps a heat shield, got ripped up in the process, and I'll know today if there's more damage.

The crazy thing is, I've had a feeling all week that something bad was going to happen to Blue and me. Yes, I'm your psychic friend. I just had this creepy feeling every time I drove. The bright side? Well, now it's happened and I can worry about whether or not the car is a death trap while I'm driving it. It's a good thing my mechanic, Buzz, is only six blocks away.

In other news, whatever I did to my back three weeks ago is not going away, and I have to act like an adult and call the doctor.

The good news: well my students are turning out to be fun and pretty good writers. The Breadman and I are going to make another hopefully perfect loaf of bread this morning using Clark's recipe, and Lena's coming for coffee if this post doesn't scare her off. So, all in all I guess things aren't so bad. Thanks blogger, I feel better already.

The dems sent out another flier saying that you can get your picture taken with "our own" Barack Obama at Saturday's rally. I think that could mean something worse than the cutout I envisioned. I hope they haven't hired a B.O. impersonator. I'll keep you updated.

So what's new by you? Any hurricanes, or objects falling on or under you? I'd like to hear from anybody who had a good week, so I can know such things do happen. If you had a crappy week like me, go ahead and let me know. Misery loves company, yo.


lena said...

a barack obama impersonator would be RAD.

i disagree with you--i think it will be an exciting several weeks. have you seen bill o'reilly's interview with obama? i think bill has a crush.

i met him once, you know (BO that is). if you count seeing him speak and then being part of the throng trying to get close enough to get a signature on his book. yes, i do feel special.

sorry about your back. and blue.

Unknown said...

Yikes. Flying metal. Glad to hear you're (mostly) okay.

Thanks for the excellent recipe. It makes GOOD! bread. It makes even better toast. Cracking, in fact.

Hope your weekend is better that your week.

Jessica said...

I think the misery does love company, so much in fact that while you were so miserable the past two days, I wasn't even able to cheer you up with random posts cause I was on my death bed with a stomach bug. (except I don't have a bed so I was just ill)

Makes me sad that you are miserable, you are usually so upbeat and it makes my day. I have faith the goodness will come back to you and the ultra-positive posts will be back!!

Jessica said...

BTW me and nick will be in NY at about 6am tomorrow morning. We have to pick up the Jeep and bring it back to Jersey to get registered, so that is our plan. Not sure how much time we have, but we may be able to swing something Sunday afternoon, not really sure I know we have plans to drop by the college and see some of the kids there.