Sunday, September 28, 2008

I'm gonna make it after all

Well, at least I think I am. Pretty soon I think I'll see an end to the days of peanut butter toast and jelly and Lean Cuisine and mooching off D, who is, as I said in my blog profile the best boyfriend in the world. I guess lasers are as cool as they sound, not as hokey as they sound. A word of caution: be careful if you are prescribed muscle relaxers. Before you know it you might end up shaking and unable to spell muscle relaxers. Not the desired effect. So while I was "in the hole" here's what happened:

The leaves started to turn and they look lovely. What a beautiful place to live this central New York is. Makes up, I suppose for the dearth of things to do. Also while I was in the hole it started raining, which reminds me: get that vitamin D out everybody; winter's comin'.

One last thought: Barack Obama needs to jazz up his rhetorical style a little. The last thing most of America wants in a president is someone "thoughtful and intellectual" (NPR). I mean really!


lena said...

yay lasers! i still don't get what they do; kind of like i know the wall street thing is very, very bad but it's just too complicated for me to understand without slides and maybe a little hand-holding.

bo's rhetorical style: i think his big problem during the debate was that he was so caught off-guard by mccain's weird, terse tone ("i'm not looking at you, obama! still not looking at you!") that his response--trying to break in, nervous laughter--had the effect of making him look ineffectual.

i can't WAIT for the vp debate this week. and speaking of this week, are you going to be up for reading on friday?

Jessica said...

To be completely honest, I don't think I have ever watched a presidential debate and thought "Oh wow, that was enlightening!" This one however, really did bore me to sleep. I think it was the fact that neither candidate had anything to say, and what they did say was monotonous. I really would have liked if Obama had at least one witty one liner. There is something to be said about those who can effectively capture an audience while still maintaining a level of boredom to appease those who love boring debates.