Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cheering Up

Jess is sick, Clark didn't get an offer on his house, and my back is killing me. So, there are three people who could use a little cheering up. What should we do about it? Well, in my opinion a costume party always helps. If you read this blog, and you like costume parties, let's have a virtual pretend one today. Virtual and pretend might seem redundant, but since we're all going to work (probably), and many of us live in such vastly different places, it'll have to do.

So, if your one of those people who says they read my blog, but never comments, here's your chance. You get "into" this party by telling me three things:
1) What costume you're wearing to the party
2) What the best costume you ever wore to a party was
3) What must-have food/beverage you're bringing to the party and why it's a "must have"

Here's my party information:
1) I'm coming to the party dressed as that adorable cartoon character Meatwad. To make things even better, I'm coming covered in real chopped meat, as my parents call it. Realism is important, and now that I've thought about it I also like the idea of being covered in chopped meat(mmmm). Vegetarians won't appreciate it, but everybody else will be glad I came if we run out of party munchies.
2) The best costume I ever wore was the gummy worm tamer outfit I came up with once. It was cool, a little sexy too, I think. I had a black leotard, fishnet stockings, boots, a red satin circusy skirt, a top hat, a whip, and gummy worms pinned to my costume. I felt quite inventive, but did spend a bit of time repinning my gummies, which fell off frequently.
3) I don't have to bring anything. I'm covered in chopped meat! Okay, I'd still bring my fetish food: potato chips. I don't buy potato chips, so when I go to a party (or a catered school function) where there are potato chips, you know where to find me. Cheap ones, fancy ones: I love them tater chips. The resta youse (yes, I'm going to talk in my NJ accent at the party) can bring the fancy stuff. Me, I'm bringing a bag of plain chips, a bag of ridged chips, and a bag of lower salt chips for when I get thirsty and want to cut down on my salt intake. Sorry bbq and cheddar lovers. I don't believe in that sorta stuff.

So let's get this party stated! Answer my questions and you're in! It's gonna be the best virtual pretend costume party you've ever attended. And just planning it has really cheered me up. I hope you all can make it.
Nicholas, there's a Gambino out there waiting to be impersonated.


Jessica said...

First, I am jealous that you are going as meatwad, he is my favorite character in ATHF.

1) I will be attending your party dressed as Snow White.. and I think I will bring along 2 of the 7 dwarves. (I think they will be Grumpy and Sleepy) I spend all day with them lately and their personalities are finally being revealed.

2)My best costume to date was a clown costume that my mother made for me. Only because after Halloween we were able to take of the funky pom-pom buttons and keep wearing the outfit daily as pajamas. They were the best pajamas ever, and I really hope that my mother kept them so one day I can let another poor child fall in love with them.

3)I would bring taco salad which I always seem to make out of the ease of prep, but I think that this time around I will bring my shrimp chili dip. It sounds disgusting, but here is what you do to make it.
take 2 bricks of cream cheese(you can add more, but it depends on how much cream cheese you like) and spread them out on the bottom of a small casserole dish. The layer should be about 1/4 of an inch thick. Then you take canned shrimp that has been packed in water, and drain it. Once you drain it, empty it into a small bowl and set it aside so water evaporates. While you wait, open a can of Chili sauce (the sweet stuff that tastes like candy). Then add the chili sauce to the shrimp and mix well. Once it is mixed, pour it over the cream cheese. Chill it, and it is ready to eat. I eat it with triscuits and it tastes amazing!! I love that dip and I think you will too!

Unknown said...

1. I'll be coming as Mr. Incredible. Though I may look, at present, a little like he did when he first put the blue uniform back on, I'll soon be svelte and buff (can you be both those at the same time?) like he is in the red uniform.
2. My favorite costume was probably the "granny" get-up I wore to my 8th grade Halloween dance. No one could tell who was under the veil, etc., so I could act silly and whack people with my cane and get away with it. I won first prize, too.
3. I'll bring my wife's macaroni salad. It's not exactly highest class (it's made with Spam), but I love it and I'm going the "comfort" food route just now.