Thursday, September 18, 2008


So the news from the doctor wasn't so good. He thinks my back pain is another rupture, same disc, different side. I'm grounded for awhile, no extra walking, no jogging certainly, just going to work and resting for up to six weeks and taking an anti-inflammatory. Oh, and laser treatments, up to twenty of them that insurance won't cover. Maybe I'll drive that Corolla a little longer.

Am I bummed out? Yeah, a little.

What would cheer me up?

Well, the virtual pretend party hasn't happened yet, so answer those three questions from yesterday and let's do it. I'm not so sure about the Spam, Clark, but hey I'll (virtually) give it a try. Jess, your dip sounds interesting, and I'm gonna add some virtual chili flakes to the cocktail sauce. The best thing about the virtual nature of this event is that since it's not in CNY, nobody has to feel obligated to bring greens and riggies.

Back to my back; I call it the "back attack," yeah like "Barack Attack". Since I'll have a lot of free time on my hands, time that will not result in me learning to crochet after last year's pathetic attempt, what am I gonna do? What should I watch, read, take up? I've got Netflix and my buddies from Lost are still somewhat entertaining as I schlog through season two, but does anybody have any interesting recommendations?
Have a great Thursday!


c said...

Oo, nice color scheme.

Laser treatments? What can be done with a laser? Is he going to zap the herniation out of there?

Unknown said...

I like the color scheme too.

Sorry that the news about your back isn't good. Take 'er easy and get better.

FWIW, the virtual party cheered me up. Hope it does the same for you.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Carlie, Carlie, so skeptical! The question is what can't be done with a laser? The premise is that the laser zaps out all the crap that injuries like mine leave in the area surrounding the injury: stuff like hardened disc fluid that's leaked out from the rupture. Lasers also repair tissue, and this "contraption" we'll call it has three different lasers all working together precisely and harmoniously to heal me. I know, it's a stretch, but Mike Moore's a convert, so I'm keeping an open mind.

I'm glad you like the color scheme. I want to make my blog a little jazzier, but changing the color will do for now.

c said...

Do they at least put you out while it's being done, or is it a local anesthetic, or do you not even feel it?