Friday, September 5, 2008

Nasty Habits

I don't toss the word addiction around glibly, but just this week I've acquired two new nasty habits. It could be that the stress of tenure year has reduced my ability to just say no to things that I know aren't good for me. It could be sheer escapism, who know? I blame one of my new nasty habits on Ginger (aka Moopy), who told me that the tv show Lost had all these literary allusions. So, I thought I'd check it out and loaded my Netflix queue with season one episodes. By the end of disc one I knew I had a problem.

Let me say that there are some real problems with new habit number one. The acting is wretched for the most part, the flashback segue way noise annoying, and the sheer amount of calamity ridiculous. It's like watching gymnastics as a blood sport. But I knew I was in trouble when disc 3 came before disc 2 and I watched it anyway. And those negatives didn't stop me from watching four episodes last night. Watching while indulging in nasty habit number two . . .

Whoever invented the new Oreo Fudgees cookies was an evil genius. The bag describes "chocolate fudge filled sandwich cookies," but they are so much more than that. They are perfectly crisp, the fudge is in perfect proportion to the cookie part, and they have that slightly salty tang that store-bought cookies have. I ought to know; I ate seven of them last night while watching Lost. They do have an unfortunate name that sounds like something Stewie Griffin would use to describe, well you know. I blame Wal Mart for putting those cookies on a two for $5.00 sale the one time in months that I went there. I blame Daryl for taking me to Wal Mart. Blame, blame, blame.

I'm not trying to imply that I'm above it all when it comes to slightly obsessive habits. After all, I'm the one who watched all six seasons of Six Feet Under from start to finish one spring. And Tim Jim and I used to sit like fools glued to Queer as Folk episodes while I was preparing for my doctoral exams. Then there was the Big Love phase. But those were good shows, really good shows; this is different.

And these Fudgees probably aren't that good either, but I don't have time to bake my own cookies. It's a good thing I walk a lot, or I'd have Fudgee pudginess (lame one, yeah).

I bet both habits are a reaction to the part of my life I have to ignore on school nights: the part where I finish that book chapter by October 1st. I can't write after I've been teaching my two bouncy freshman classes and all the other stuff I do at work. But today's Friday, and after two meetings I'll settle in to write. I really think I can get past this; since I'm out of Fudgees this will be a good time to start over. Daryl does have the other box of Fudgees, though.

I was gonna put up some pictures of Lost and some Fudgee pics, but I'm not gonna do that, too iconic. I feel better having written this. Have any of you ever developed sudden or simultaneous bad habits? I'd like to know I'm not alone.

Update: my ear still hurts from Lu blow drying my hair with a shop vac, and get this Nick, he didn't cut my bangs either, says they're too Mamie Eisenhower. Joshie, yes tomorrow night, but call to confirm please.


Jessica said...

I completely understand your addiction to Lost. Personally I think the first season was simply addicting because of all the weird stuff that happened.

Fudgees are understandable too, as of right now I am addicted to EL Fudge Shop Minis. Nick gets them in the small bags at work, and they are like crack to me.

My other addictions are Reality TV. I know there is no reality behind Reality TV, due to the cameras removing all of the reality, but the drama that constantly ensues on Big Brother 10 is addicting. (Surely the best season to date!) Today alone leaves me finally realizing that I am completely addicted. It would be one thing to watch the episodes every time they air, that's a devoted fan. But no, I miss them so I have to wait for them to become available "on Demand" Me being the addict I am, however, could not wait. I went so far as to watch the episode that I missed online on Youtube. I realize I have a problem, but maybe it is because I am like those house-guests on Big Brother, trapped in NJ with no place to go. Only I am alone and there are no cameras to talk to.

To that I now break into a package of mint double stuffed oreos... another guilty pleasure that will for sure add a million pounds to my frame.

Nick Gasparovich said...

I hate to say it, but LOST isn't all that bad... Just wait until you blow through Season's 2, 3 AND 4! Season 5 is going to start airing in February, so you better catch up fast ;-)

When you're done with LOST, I have some more you can start on... Like Curb Your Enthusiasm, Weeds, and Battlestar Galactica (the new one, of course)!

Jessica said...

Oooooh! There is one for you! Weeds. Suburban mother gets a new description. Lets just say we bought all of the released seasons on Blu-Ray as an impulse buy and do not regret it one bit!

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Hi Guys,
I lost interest in Weeds pretty quickly, after the thrill of listening to and looking at Mary Louise Parker wore off. She's way (should I use the CNY "wicked"?) hot and so are her clothes, but the story line just couldn't keep me hooked. And, no Nick, I still haven't watched any more than those three episodes of the Sopranos that I watched to write that argument paper.

I'll just say that somebody whose initials are D.L. is pretty crazy about The Wire and Battlestar Galatica. He reads but won't comment here, so I'll say it for him.

Batten down the hatches you two. My uncle says Jersey's gonna get some hurricane.

Jessica said...

I am hoping the hurricane will allow me to hibernate without ridicule.