Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Have You Seen 'Em?

Any Halloween decorations yet, that is? Here's the funniest thing about where I live and Halloween. For three years I didn't have a porch light; the old cover was rusted into its socket and wouldn't come off. When I finally hired someone to fix it, he had to rewire it so I could have a porch light. So for several years at Halloween I'd put out candles on my porch and kids would timidly come to my door. Thank goodness nobody went up in flame. Last year I had a porch light and the usual no decorations and kids went by, often after conferring with their parents in hushed tones. Did my lack of scary decorations turn people off? Maybe they thought, the porch light's on but she really doesn't want trick or treaters, who knows? This year I think I'll put a decoration on my door. Maybe, ironically I think, kids are looking for more than a porch light; maybe they're looking for an endorsement of Halloween. Maybe I'm analyzing too much, but heck, I don't want to get stuck with an extra two bags of candy that we all know I'll eat.

So what's the perfect candy for Halloween? I don't mean just for kids; I mean for us, too. What is it that you wouldn't mind getting stuck with? Would it be your favorite candy bar (in my case Milky Way Midnight)? Or would it be something you'd normally never eat, but that somehow tastes good when you're caught up in the spirit of Halloween (in my case Milk Duds)?

Or, related to Halloween, any favorite, scary, or sad stories to share? My most memorable story is, alas, a sad one. Mrs. Burrell, who lived across the street with her two, I suspect, psychotic sons, once gave all the other kids at her door full sized Three Musketeer's bars. Too me, she gave the following words of wisdom: "Murphy's stink!" She and my mother had some long standing feud and had not spoken in years. I should have stood at the curb, but I was a princess that year, and you know how kids feel about royalty.

Whatchu got? I'm trying to get into the spirit here. Does anybody remember Lady Bubba from SUNYIT four years ago? Now that was a Halloween event!


Jessica said...

So I like this post. My favorite candy is starbursts. Everyone seems to like them, and nobody ever looks at them and says "ew, another starburst!" I am also very partial to Snickers Dark Chocolate bars. They are probably my all time favorite candy. In fact anything dark chocolate is perfect for me, and I always used to steal the chocolate from my siblings after trick-or-treating. Something that was synonymous for us regarding Halloween though was Grape heads, Red hot Dollars and Juicy Fruit chews. I don't know what it was about them, but we could never find them unless it was Halloween.

On a not so nice note, I got all dolled up one year for trick-or-treating, and seriously put work into my costume. (I was a dark fairy, with a homemade black dress, with light purple skirt tips, full face makeup with glitter and purple accents all over the place. Serious hard work was put into my outfit, and I carried a matching purple pumpkin candy bucket as well.) Anyway, I went through all of this trouble getting a really nice costume together and was walking around the town gathering candy, when I went to a sort of darkened house. There were people crowded around and giving out candy, so we thought it would be fine to go there in order to get some as well. The guy took one look at me and my friends and threw dog food into our buckets and bags and said "here you go, grow up, halloween is for kids!"

I guess it was a learning experience considering I was a freshman in college, but still I think the spirit of Halloween should be enjoyed by everyone, and that crotchety old geezer should let us young-ins be!

Jessica said...

Another note, I think that you should get one of those skulls with arms that pokes out of the ground and moves. My mother got one of those a while back, and ever since, little kids have been terrified of coming to her house. Another good one is one of those bats on strings, it's kind of hard unless you have a well lit porch with a lot of room, but it is a really neat decoration.

When I was a kid we always remembered the really decorated houses, so I think you should go all out with spider webbing and funky glitzy Halloween decor. If you go all out for that, you don't have to worry about good candy because kids will just remember the house with the cool decorations. Though I would refrain from giving out apples unless you give them with a caramel dip. We remember well the woman who used to give out apples and we went there every year hoping she would give out something different.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Jess, I'm glad you like the post. I've got to go find some Grape Heads. I've never even heard of them. Bet they're gooey, right? Sounds like both of us have had some Halloween heartache. I was shocked to see you were even allowed to contemplate eating apples, or did I get that wrong. Jersey kids like me had to throw all apples away, razor blade and poison scares.

c said...

The best Halloween-specific candy is Reese's pumpkins. The chocolate to filling ratio is different than in the peanut butter cups, and are much more awesome. The Christmas trees are not quite the same, although the Easter eggs come close.

c said...

Oops, subject-verb agreement problems. They are more awesome than the regular cups.

I blame the sinus infection. My entire head is filled with gunk. I'm going back to bed now. Well, as soon as the kids leave for school.

Nick Gorczynski said...

There's a Rite Aid around the corner and about a month ago I stopped by on the way home to pick up something and noticed a huge Halloween aisle.

When I got home a neighbors had already adorned their door with some sort of witch decoration. Clearly the commercialism of it all is working. I'm not really sure who would see it? The handful of people who live in the 6 apartments on my floor?

That brings me to an important question though. How does halloween work in apartment buildings? Does the lock downstairs magically open up on halloween and the kids flow in?

I agree with Jess - but I do say "ew" to starburst when you get down to the pile of yellow that always seem to accumulate.

I think I like mini chocolate bars. Twix, 3 muskateers, snickers etc. I really am not the type to buy a full candy bar because of the unhealthy vibe. But the mini ones are alright. 15 of them is much better for you. (if only psychologically)

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Nick -- you commented! I'm honored! I hope the Big A is treating you well. I think you'll be surprised at how many kids will come to your door from just in your building. if not, more candy for you! Take care buddy.