Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Republican and a Democrat Walk Into a Bar . . .

I have to say I'm sick of the whole election thing. As I write this I'm pretty sure there are thousands of people writing the same thing on their blogs. My admiration goes out to anyone who can sustain interest in an American presidential campaign. They're just too long and too absurd, but absurd in a humorless way.

But what if we could elect a cartoon president? Of the many cartoon characters out there, who do you think might be a good leader? There's Papa Smurf, but NPR has pointed out that he's misogynist and therefore ruined his credibility.

The problem with some cartoon characters is that they're not very bright. We're used to that in a president, yes, but it really is time for some change. We need a strategic thinker, maybe Wile E. Coyote. I know, too much of a penchant for explosives. Maybe Madeline, but the French hate us. And nobody would take Pat the Bunny seriously.

So who do you think should be the first, or at least the first openly, cartoon character?


Jessica said...

She-ra would make a great president. I only say She-Ra over He-man because She-Ra has to bail him out all of the time in the series.

However I have a List of more that I think could run as well:

1-Liono (from thundercats) He walks softly and carries a big sword.
2- Superman
3- Spiderman
4- Batman
5- Captain America maybe he can bring back our patriotism
6-Rocky from Rocky and Bullwinkle. Just because he has experience with terrorism and international affairs.
7-Tony the Tiger Maybe then we'll be GRRRRRRRREAT!
8- Spongebob squarepants, he has an in with the gay/lesbian crowd. Kids like him, and he knows a lot about other cultures.
9- Dexter from Dexter's Lab. Very smart knows how to use his imagination, has a sister which humanizes him.
10- Veronica from archie comics. She is a spitfire, and lets face it, we need one of those in the white-house.

Regardless of who I choose it looks like we will have to change that 35+ law before they can get into the white house.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Great list Jess!

c said...

Yakko Warner. He knows all the countries, which already puts him ahead of the Republican candidates.

lena said...

here's what you have to do next time a presidential election year comes around: ignore absolutely everything until september, and then, in a tom brokaw voice, add "in bed" to the end of every utterance made by the candidates, their running mates, and the media.

my cartoon vote goes to spongebob.

Nick Gasparovich said...

Carlie's response made me laugh... and draw cynical looks from the people at work, lol

1. Space Ghost... he has power bands and an inviso-belt (might be able to lead our troops into war... or fight them by himself so they can go home)

2. Pre-attorney Birdman... He has one weakness though... lack of sun light.

3. A candidate that America tends to favor: Top Cat
From wikipedia: "... Top Cat and his gang were constantly attempting to earn a quick dollar—usually through an illegal scam."

4. Dr. Benton Quest... he could solve the world's problems with science!

5. Jabberjaw (I don't really have a defense for him... I just like how he doesn't get any respect)

6. Slappy Squirrel... she doesn't take crap from anyone

7. I'm sure Yosemite Sam appeals to the Conservative crowd...

8. Elmyra Duff... because she'll love the animals, whether the want her to or not...

Nick Gorczynski said...

Tommy Pickles from Rugrats is always a leader. With honesty and integrity he intuitively does the right thing. Tommy could never be swayed by corruption. He has everything he could ever need - a bottle of milk, a fresh diaper and a mommy that loves him. He would never be tainted by the corruption of washington. Tommy is a true diplomat with his friends. Imagine if he could apply those same "policies" between nations.

Is it odd that my first post on this blog is as a response to "which cartoon character could be president"?

Nick Gasparovich said...

Is it bad that I thought you said "Tommy Pickles from Reuters"? I haven't been at this job long, but it sure is sinking in, lol

Unknown said...

No one has mentioned Bill the Cat yet. Bill (the gato) gets my vote.