Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I woke up this morning to thunder. It's definitely not the hot meets cold violent thunder of summer, though, and that served as yet another reminder that summer is over. It also reminded me that I told our school's sustainability committee that I'd be spending some time in my comp class talking about sustainability and what we can do to reduce global warming. The other day I read that if we all reduced our meat consumption by one day a week that act would have a huge positive effect. But I love my steak so much. Besides, I think I do some good things for the environment. I drive a small car, don't use air conditioning, buy local when I can and recycle and reuse faithfully.

What I need though is a glamorous or fun way to talk about sustainability in my classroom. When I told my students that we'd be talking about the environment they groaned, maybe because it had been the topic of their convocation and the speaker was dogmatic and righteous enough that I wanted to through my plastic water bottle in the wrong bin afterward.

That's the problem with issues like being green; there's a perception that they're boring and that the only people who are interested in them are ineffective left-wing middle class liberals who want to tell everybody else what to do. It's the same with peace efforts. So two of the things I affiliate with are boring to a lot of people. What am I gonna do?

I mean, literally, what am I gonna do? Put on your thinking caps and help me come up with some outlandish imaginative way to teach greenness. Do you remember those cholesterol demonstrations with blocks of fat? How about the old tooth in cola? Bad nasty smoker's lung? I don't think I want scare tactics; I want something fun. I've got a few ideas, but I want to see what all of you imaginative people can come up with. Remember, it's college not grade school.


Nick Gasparovich said...

Why cut back on meat? I just read study that said if we start eating farm raised kangaroo, the environment would. be a lot better... I also read a scientific article that said there's a possibility that our greenhouse emissions may be keeping the world cooler at this point and drastically decreasing them now could have dire consequences... If that turns out to be the case, then we've really backed ourselves into a corner....

So my suggestion.... Try to convince them that Roo is the way to go... Maybe bring samples?

Jessica said...

On the same note as Nick, maybe bringing in greenie food is the way to go to start things off, we all know how college kids can't get enough food, especially freshmen.

So it may be cool to start things off by asking them what they think is missing. Of course you will get your usual answers, but after a while they will get frustrated to the point where you simply reveal that there is no global warming in what they are eating.

Tell them if they don't believe you they can look it up.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Good idea mate. I'd eat a kangaroo in a heartbeat. Great idea Jess. Hey, I was thinking of you while driving to work today. How are the driving lessons going?

Here's an idea I had when I was waiting for some geese and turkeys to cross the road on campus. I tell the students to bring their guns to class and away we go on a safari. Of course it's a joke.

lena said...

i think you should talk about all the wondrous uses of hemp (paper! clothing! snack food!). they can giggle and snicker about it being related to marijuana, and then they'll want to horrify their parents with their new pro-green, pro-hemp agenda.

by the way, i am SO impressed that you can keep up this blog on a daily basis.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

It's probably sick that I keep up my blog on a daily basis, but my goal was to journal more. I've written in my "real" journal twice since I set that goal two months ago, so I guess my blog really is my journal.

Hemp, huh? Good idea. You're such a little hippie.

Nick Gasparovich said...

To Pat's first post: Your safari idea brought this movie clip to mind... (please excuse the minor foul language)

Clip from "Death to Smoochy"

Jessica said...

In response to driving lessons: It is illegal for me to drive in the state of NJ. So until I get my permit here driving has ceased. However I do get urges to take his uncle's Taurus for a spin when it is left in the driveway.