Monday, September 22, 2008


I've been doing something this morning that I often sneer about, watching morning tv news. I saw a segment about the lies (actual falsehoods) that are being put out by the two candidates against each other. Would John McCain privatize social security? I don't know, but Barack Obama seems to be saying he would. Would Barack Obama threaten even further my middle class existence? I don't know, but John McCain seems to be pointing out that in some way I'm not sure I understand, he would. Since I have not been following the campaign by choice, I felt a little naive. So, I wondered, what's the weirdest thing you guys have heard? No matter who you support, there must be something you've heard that made you chuckle or shake your head. What was it?

Today is day one of laser treatment. May the force be with me.


Jessica said...

Personally it made me chuckle when McCain compared Obama to Paris Hilton. Even better than that, I like the rebuttle from Paris Hilton saying that she was running for president.

Elections make me giggle in general. I personally think that when I get a house of my own I will make it my personal duty to collect campaign sings and put them all over my lawn regardless of party affiliation. I am sure I will be the talk of the town, and maybe one day I too will run for president.

c said...

Read it and weep, baby. Scroll down the page, the second photo. I won't spoil it by telling you what it says - it has to be seen to be believed.

Patricia Murphy, a resident of said...

Your posts have made me think about how I don't have to get all uptight and smarty pants about things like national elections. I can just sit back and say something nasty like "boy people are stupid!". Of course, those same people I consider stupid might be running for the most important office in the nation, and they all get to vote, so maybe it's a laugh so you don't cry situation.

c said...

That's the same kind of situation scientists have found ourselves in with regard to creationists. First we just sat back in a bemused kind of way, thinking they were stupid and there was no way anyone would ever fall for that, and then...they started taking over. Now we have to beat the crap out of them every chance possible, and the backlash is that we look like big meanies. Can't win for losing.